
Hey, I'm Nick!

I'm a software engineer

& usually coding!

My Experience

  1. Loxo

    Full Stack Software Engineer

    Texas, USA - Remote

    Led full-stack projects with a focus on frontend (React, React Native) and backend (Ruby on Rails) technologies, including spearheading Chrome extension development, debugging React Native app flows, optimizing integrations with Stripe, Twilio, Nylas, and ChurnZero, enhancing frontend performance, collaborating via Figma and Storybook, facilitating developer onboarding, Dockerizing environments, resolving live client issues, normalizing backend data, refactoring to functional components, and managing weekly frontend and backend deployments with production oversight.

  2. Lckroom

    Full Stack Software Developer

    Toronto, Canada - Remote

    Developed a React Native app with MobX-State-Tree and GraphQL TypeScript typings, collaborated on MVP architecture using Storybook, Miro, and Figma, automated AWS Lambda, S3, and RDS deployments with Terraform and Pulumi, migrated a landing page to AWS EC2 via Route 53 and Caddy, and rebuilt a website with TypeScript, React, Next.js, Strapi, and Flagsmith, deploying through a AWS Fargate Blue-Green pipeline.

  3. Vocalmeet

    Intern Software Developer

    Toronto, Canada

    Successfully designed and implemented a customizable CMS platform, integrating a JavaScript-based REST API with MySQL, conducting thorough training for seamless transition, and incorporating payment gateway APIs like Stripe and PayPal with PHP, jQuery, and Backbone.js.