Quantum API Generator Android App

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Exploring Quantum Random Number Generation: Building an Android App

In today's digital age, the need for truly random numbers spans from securing passwords to determining lottery picks. Enter the Quantum Random Number Generator app, an Android application designed to harness the power of quantum mechanics to generate near-perfect randomness. This project not only aims to provide practical tools for users but also delves into the fascinating realm of quantum physics.


The Quantum Random Number Generator app stands as a testament to the intersection of advanced technology and everyday usability. Developed to leverage quantum random numbers from esteemed sources like ETH Zürich's Quantum OpenQu and the Australian National University's (ANU) Quantum Random Numbers Server, this app offers users a reliable and secure method to generate random numbers for various purposes.

Key Features

  1. Diverse Applications: From generating lottery numbers and passwords to rolling polyhedral dice and custom number ranges, the app caters to a wide range of user needs.

  2. Dual Mode Functionality: Users have the option to seamlessly switch between using quantum-generated numbers and locally generated ones, ensuring flexibility and reliability.

  3. Exploring Quantum Theory: The app includes an educational component, explaining how quantum mechanics dictates that every possible outcome exists in parallel universes, offering a unique perspective on randomness.

Challenges Faced

During the development of the Quantum Random Number Generator app, one significant challenge arose due to unforeseen circumstances. A couple of years back, the Australian National University's Quantum Random Numbers Server, a primary source for quantum random data, experienced downtime likely due to the devastating Australian fires. This unexpected outage necessitated a quick response to integrate an alternative live data source seamlessly into the app to ensure continuous functionality for users.

Technologies Used

The app is powered by:

  • Android Development: Built using Android Studio and Kotlin, ensuring compatibility and performance across various Android devices.

  • Quantum APIs: Integrates with Quantum OpenQu and an alternative live quantum data source to fetch truly random data.

  • User Interface Design: Implements Material Design principles for intuitive navigation and a seamless user experience.

Inspiration: Enhancing Lottery Odds

One of the primary inspirations behind developing the Quantum Random Number Generator app was to provide users with a tool that could potentially enhance their chances in lottery games. By leveraging quantum randomness, the app generates lottery numbers that are truly unpredictable, offering users a unique approach to selecting their numbers. This functionality not only adds a layer of excitement to the app but also demonstrates the practical application of quantum mechanics in everyday scenarios, where even a slight edge in randomness could potentially lead to significant outcomes.

Implementation Highlights

  1. API Integration: The app fetches quantum random numbers in real-time, ensuring each generated number is truly random and unbiased.

  2. User Interface: Designed to be user-friendly, with clear options for number generation, toggling between quantum and local modes, and sharing generated numbers.

  3. Educational Component: Includes a simplified explanation of quantum theory for users interested in understanding the underlying principles.

Future Enhancements

  • Expanded Lottery Support: Adding more international lottery games for broader user accessibility.

  • Improved User Feedback: Enhancing user notifications and interface responsiveness for smoother interactions.

This app has been deprecated.

Access the code here.