
  1. Loxo

    Full Stack Software Engineer

    Texas, USA - Remote

    • Designed, implemented, and maintained full-stack projects.
    • Led the E2E development of a new Chrome extension, achieving significant user adoption.
    • Assisted in authentication flow debugging and development of a React Native iOS app.
    • Improved full-stack integrations with Stripe, Twilio, Nylas, ChurnZero, etc.
    • Optimized page load speeds by 300% with asynchronous viewport rendering.
    • Coordinated with data, design, marketing, and customer success teams.
    • Worked extensively with the design team using tools like Figma and Storybook.
    • Helped onboard front-end and back-end developers using documentation and pair programming.
    • Dockerized the development environment resolving architectural dependencies.
    • Assisted the customer success team in live debugging and resolving client issues.
    • Contributed to normalizing and ingesting an ETL data source.
    • Refactored major parts of the codebase from class-based components, Knockout.js, and HAML files into typed and styled functional components.
    • Managed weekly code deployments to production, monitored Rollbar, Grafana, and task queues for bugs and alerts, and ensured the staging environment functioned correctly before each deploy.
  2. Lckroom

    Full Stack Software Developer

    Toronto, Canada - Remote

    • Utilized MobX-State-Tree for state management and generated GraphQL TypeScript typings to streamline end-to-end mobile development of a React Native application within a Crystal Agile development cycle.
    • Collaborated closely with design and product management teams throughout the architectural and development process of an MVP, using tools such as Storybook, Miro, and Figma.
    • Automated deployment of serverless AWS Lambda functions, S3, and RDS infrastructure in dockerized LocalStack sandbox environments using Terraform and Pulumi.
    • Leveraged AWS services to migrate hosts for a dynamic landing page to an EC2 instance with Route 53 and Caddy.
    • Recreated a customer-facing website in TypeScript using React and Next.js, with a Strapi and Flagsmith backend, served through a Blue-Green deployment pipeline on AWS Fargate.
  3. Graduation

    Bachelors of Computer Science

    University of Waterloo

    1. Vocalmeet

      Intern Software Developer

      Toronto, Canada

      • Closely collaborated with the internal team to design a CMS platform tailored to meet client needs.
      • Implemented a REST API in JavaScript to facilitate integration with a back-end MySQL database.
      • Provided extensive training for a replacement to ensure the seamless continuation of development with the existing codebase.
      • Integrated APIs for major payment gateways such as Stripe and PayPal using PHP, jQuery, and Backbone.js.