Talking to Obsidian

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Exploring Communication with My Obsidian Vault


In the ever-evolving landscape of personal knowledge management, I recently embarked on an intriguing experiment: communicating with my Obsidian vault. This idea stems from a desire to leverage large language models (LLMs) to interact with my notes in a more dynamic and insightful way. The concept involves exporting my Obsidian vault into a specific format, preprocessing the data, and then using an LLM to facilitate communication with the notes.

The Concept

Exporting and Preprocessing

The first step in this process is exporting the content of my Obsidian vault. Obsidian, a powerful note-taking app that uses Markdown files, provides a robust structure for personal knowledge management. The challenge lies in converting these Markdown files into a format that an LLM can effectively process.

Interaction via LLM

Once the notes are exported and preprocessed, the next step is to communicate with them using an LLM. The theory is that by feeding the LLM with my preprocessed notes, it could serve as a prompt to generate meaningful responses or insights based on the content. The ultimate goal is to create a system where I can ask questions or seek information from my notes, and the LLM can provide relevant answers or summaries.

The Process

Exporting the Vault

To begin, I exported my Obsidian vault into a format suitable for processing. This involved converting the Markdown files into a plain text format, preserving the structure and metadata of the notes.

Preprocessing the Data

The preprocessing stage is crucial for ensuring the data is in a format that the LLM can understand. This involves cleaning the text, removing any unnecessary characters or formatting, and structuring the data in a way that retains the context and relationships between notes.

Feeding the LLM

With the data preprocessed, I then fed it into an LLM. The model used in this experiment is designed to handle large volumes of text and generate responses based on the input provided. The idea is to prompt the LLM with specific queries related to my notes and observe the responses.

Potential Applications

Enhanced Knowledge Retrieval

One of the primary benefits of this approach is the potential for enhanced knowledge retrieval. By interacting with the LLM, I can quickly access information stored in my notes without manually searching through them. This could significantly improve productivity and the efficiency of accessing personal knowledge.

Insights and Summarization

Another potential application is generating insights and summaries from my notes. The LLM could analyze the content and provide summaries or highlight key points, making it easier to digest large volumes of information.

Training Custom Models

While this initial experiment focuses on using pre-trained models, there is potential for training custom models based on my notes. By fine-tuning an LLM on the specific content of my Obsidian vault, the model could become even more adept at understanding and responding to queries related to my notes.


This experiment is still in its early stages, and there are many aspects to explore and refine. The idea of talking to my Obsidian vault using an LLM is a fascinating concept with significant potential for enhancing personal knowledge management. I will continue to refine the process and report back on the results as I delve deeper into this exciting venture.

By integrating advanced AI technologies with personal knowledge management tools like Obsidian, we can unlock new possibilities for how we interact with and utilize our personal knowledge bases. Stay tuned for more updates on this journey of exploring communication with my Obsidian vault.